Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Memories of the past

Do any of you think back on when you started doing certain things, I mean like habits? As I was conducting a song called "I Dreamed a Dream" the other day from my living room I said to myself, "Why do you do that"?
I remember being in the seventh grade at Indianola Junior High School. I loved to sing so I took a music class and the extra thing they taught us was how to conduct.
All of our arms went up in the air and we followed our teacher in the motion, down, to the side, down, up and again. He counted, one, two, three, and four. Every time I heard a song I would practice over and over again. I loved it, and felt the music in the pit of my stomach, which made my arms move even faster. I never forgot that class and all I learned.
Just the other day I started thinking about that memory. Even after fifty some years I am still conducting music each time I can feel it in my stomach. When a singer like Josh Groham and Susan Boyle start to sing my arms go up in the air as if I am in the same room with them. I seem to do my conducting no matter where I am at.
I simply close my eyes and feel the music through my waving arms. Not long ago my husband gave me an iPod for my birthday. I started wondering how I would look with my ear buds in, sitting on an airplane singing out loud, and conducting all at the same time. Oh my, what will people think! I might even get my iPod taken away.
During the years of raising my children and other people's children they recall many a car trip with one hand on the steering wheel and the other conducting music.
Not long ago when my youngest grandson was sitting in the back seat all strapped into his car seat I looked in the rear view mirror. I felt so proud to see this little fellow with both arms up in the air moving back and forth with the music. "Would you look at that", I thought, "he might carry the tradition on" and the music will never end.

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